I continue to be AMAZED by how transformation shows up in my life recently. After courses and the philosophy at my spiritual center, “Heart and Soul Center of Life”, coaching sessions with Mira Ruben of Core Connections, support from my dear friend, Vicki Abadesco! and beyond, another pivotal shift has occurred in my life.

I realized that I had created a life context where I moved through my life believing that struggle was eminent. I am happy to say that that is no longer the case.

I had been applying for a position that would have been a “safe” role for me, but not ideal or something that I truly wanted to do. When it didn’t work out, I began to wonder–“What is going on with me? “Why am I focusing on life being difficult with suffering?” I meditated, I prayed—I slowed down to remember that suffering is not one of my core beliefs. That, I am connected to a source that is greater and more powerful than my human frailties and limitations. I was born with unique skills, talents and abilities that only I can bring forward to the world. (This is true for all humans, I believe). If I don’t bring them forth, they simply won’t exist with my particular “flavor.” Once I saw this I thought, “Who am I not to share my unique skills that have been bestowed upon me?” This was a game changer. Believing this to be my truth, living in alignment with my core being/essence is natural for me, suffering is not. Suffering required commitment, an unbelievable amount of effort and time that simply was fruitless in the broader scheme of my life. Now that I am in the flow of living inside of my newer commitment to bring forth and share my unique skills and abilities my life has been easier. Coming back “home” to the little girl being pushed in a stroller by my mom and having folks stop on the street to interact with me because of my exuberant and joyful personality wooing others to engage with me. This freedom feels so good! And the people who are entering my life are more vibrant and more authentic than ever before. The level of sharing and feeds my soul. I AM GRATEFUL.